On 7th October, the teaching and learning stopped for one period in Loreto College as we gathered together via weblink to Our Lady of Dolours Church, Dolphin’s Barn where a ceremony took place to mark the opening of the new school year.
Parish priest Father Fergal MacDonagh welcomed us into his sanctuary where a small group of readers representing each year group gathered with our new chaplain Mr. O’Reilly for the prayer ceremony.
Principal Ms. Murphy led the ceremony as she emphasised the message of connectedness and being together. It was a chance to reflect on all that had happened in the previous six months, a chance to remember family and friends who sadly are no longer with us and to be grateful for the chance that we could gather together again…even if it was online.
Prayers were said by Robyn Gleeson, Victory John, Aisha Hassan, Zoe Dempsey, Catherine Cadawas and Chloe Pingol. Mr. O’Reilly shared a reading with the school and the ceremony concluded with the presentation of badges to the 15 Senior Prefects. Holly Gorman, (Deputy Head Girl) read a prayer for the prefects.
The ceremony was a poignant one and gave everyone in our school community a chance to pause, reflect and look forward in hope to the days ahead.