Transition Year Programme (TY)
Transition Year in Loreto College is a much-valued year where students have every opportunity to become the best version of themselves. It is the year where students find out what interests them, what inspires and excites them and highlights their unique individuality.
It is a year to shine!
Self-reflection is a big part of Transition Year. Students record their TY journey in the form of an e-portfolio. This process encourages and develops a strong sense of self evaluation. Students will discover many new approaches to learning:
- Communication skills are developed.
- Independence is encouraged.
- Teamwork is expected.
- Organisational skills are improved.
- Friendships are strengthened.
- Confidence is built.
Transition year bridges the gap from junior to senior cycle through experiencing a broad range of subjects and through students spending time focusing on their own individual strengths. There is a varied curriculum offered in Transition Year. Students will continue to study Maths, English, Irish, European languages, History, Music and Art while also getting an opportunity to explore modules in Development Education, Ukulele and Samba Drumming, Business, Podcasting and Sound Engineering, Dance and Drama, Yoga, Rowing, Zumba, Geography, Home Economics, Physics, Chemistry and Biology, for example. Modules may differ from year to year.
Our links with Trinity College ensure that there is a wide variety of initiatives which students can avail of. Examples of these initiatives include workshops in
- Neuroscience
- Journalism
- Coding
- Science of food
Other programmes on offer include “Look into Law”, “R.C.S.I. Mini Med”, “Steps Engineering” and “Oireachtas work experience to name but a few.
There are highlights to our year such as the overnight trip, the annual school musical and Work Experience block. Great fun is an essential ingredient of our year.
It is no surprise that national educational research has shown that students who excel in Transition Year are better prepared for 5th and 6th year. The most important thing to remember about Transition Year is “You get back, what you put in”!
Advice from past pupils:
“Jump in with two feet- sign up for all initiatives!”
“Don’t worry about not being able to do something- you will learn as you relax into the year”
“You find out what you are made of when you push yourself out of your comfort zone”
“You are not allowed say “I can’t’!
We advise all TY students to set personal goals, face challenges, be yourselves and most importantly, “be your best self!”