Imagine if you came to school one morning and uplifting pop music was booming through the entrance, balloons were festively hung and a lollipop was waiting for you as you went to your locker.
Thanks to our student council, 4th and 5th years, this wonderful welcome opened Wellbeing week; the last week in March in Loreto Crumlin. Events in this week reminded us to take time to look after our mental, physical and spiritual health. Teachers from the Religion, P.E. and S.P.H.E. departments and the school’s Ember team organised a range of activities that made us focus on the really important thing in life – ourselves and our wellbeing.
Each day, for ten minutes, we dropped everything to breathe. It was an opportunity to take a short moment out of our busy classes to breathe, take a break and listen to some beautiful relaxing music.
There was an eye opening presentation for Junior students on online wellbeing courtesy of Zeeko Cyber Safety. Seamus from Zeeko made students more aware of how their online activity affects themselves and others and the important steps to take if they encounter unwanted activity online.
The event closed with the release of a dove into the beautiful blue skies over Crumlin.
There was so much going on. All 4th years participated in a two day Healthy Living Programme. A “Gratefulness Tree” was displayed on the corridor where everyone had an opportunity to note down what they are grateful for. There were healthy smoothies and snacks available in the Dining Hall and senior students and parents had Yoga classes in the concert Hall.
Great fun was had on Wednesday afternoon as the whole school participated in a Wellbeing Quiz. Students had to identify their teachers from baby pictures, there were tricky puzzles to figure out and classes had to work together to try and solve Ms. Shannon’s trikcy dingbat picture clues.
The culmination of the week was a school assembly on the Friday of Wellbeing week A representative from Pieta House spoke to the whole school body and then everyone got to watch the beautiful video below created by our 5th year students which has been entered for the “National LiveLife Film Competition”.